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    Speed Reading Sucks

    Nevada Ryan is only asking us to slow down.

    A Castiglione of the Mind: An Interview with Amanda DeMarco

    Madeleine LaRue talks with Amanda DeMarco, translator of Nathalie Léger’s latest novel "Exposition."

    Proper Travel: Island-Hopping Englishman Michael Gibb’s A Korean Odyssey

    "Even when transplanted to the other side of the world, it seems, a man from an island not known for its pleasant weather will seek out more of the same."

    An Argument that Readers Have to Finish on Their Own: Talking to Jeremy Fortier

    Andy Fitch talks with Jeremy Fortier about frustrated desire and his book "The Challenges of Nietzsche."

    Hiroshima in the Age of Virtual Remembrance

    Spencer Cohen takes a look at how the shockwaves of the Hiroshima atomic bomb reverberate 75 years later — during a pandemic.

    World out of Joint: Talking to Wolfgang Ischinger

    Andy Fitch talks with Wolfgang Ischinger, Germany’s former deputy foreign minister and former German ambassador to both the US and the UK.

    Revisiting the Late Kevin O’Rourke’s My Korea, a Curious Memoir of a Land that Gets in the Blood

    Colin Marshall remembers Kevin O'Rourke's long-haul observations of changes in Korean society.

    Time for an About-Face on Redfacing

    Gary D. Rhodes talks about the progress — and lack thereof — of depictions of Native peoples in Hollywood and the American media.

    Stronger than the Gun Lobby: Talking to Senator Chris Murphy

    Andy Fitch talks with Senator Chris Murphy about the firearm epidemic in the United States and his book "The Violence Inside Us."