• Edgar Oliver: The King of the Slow

    Rebecca Chace reviews Edgar Oliver's latest one-man show "New York Trilogy" at the Axis Theatre.

    How The Lighthouse Makes a Monster of Capitalism

    Rebecca Harrison examines just what makes "The Lighthouse" so horrifying.

    Love Islands

    Valerie Slaughter discusses the tribulations of monogamy, performative relationships, and the hit British reality dating show "Love Island."

    A Case of the Cults

    Arthur McCaffrey looks at a cross-section of recent literature about cults, growing up in them, and growing away from them.

    The Cowboy and His Strangers: Terry Allen at LA Louver

    Niall Murphy reviews LA Louver’s survey of Terry Allen, which ran June 26 through September 28, 2019.

    Curse of the Contemporary

    Grace Hadland looks at Natasha Stagg's new collection of essays, "Sleeveless."

    How Far Has Russia Come? On Robert Stephenson’s We Are Building Capitalism! Moscow in Transition 1992-1997

    "Has capitalism in fact been built, given all that has happened since the possibility of transition was opened up in 1992?"

    White Screen/Black Hole: On Daniel Fish’s Theatrical Pas-de-Deux with Don DeLillo

    Elizabeth Wiet reviews Daniel Fish’s 2019 stage adaptation of Don DeLillo’s 1985 novel "White Noise" at NYU's Skirball Center for the Performing Arts.

    Why We Shouldn’t Fear Joker

    Chris Yogerst examines the history of misconceptions about violent films spurring real-world violence.

    There Began My History: Ariana Reines’s A Sand Book

    Perwana Nazif reviews Ariana Reines’ recent poetry collection "A Sand Book."