• Emo Philips Now

    Kieran Setiya reckons with age alongside comic Emo Philips.

    Place: Putridarium

    Katy Simpson Smith transports us to an ancient decomposition space: the putridarium.

    What I Didn’t Get a Chance to Say

    "Minority means marginality, defined by narrow circulation and limited knowledge, which in turn prevent a minor literature from being published..."

    Diversity and Speech: Navigating the N-Word

    Carlos E. Cortés muses on what kinds of speech should be restricted, and in what ways.

    Heller Levinson: Pro-Hinge, Protean

    Anthony Seidman praises the prolific Heller Levinson.

    “We wear the mask”: Todd Phillips’ Joker and Paul Laurence Dunbar

    Chloé Valdary finds resonances of Paul Laurence Dunbar's famous words on race in America in Todd Phillips' "Joker."

    Bludgeoned by Joy

    Leah Bailly pens an essay about abuse on campus that a prominent US university sought to keep under wraps.

    Documentaries Are a Downer

    Jon Boorstin tells us what makes documentaries special.

    Living in Parasite Country as Asian/American

    Eng-Beng Lim examines Bong Joon Ho's assertion that "we all live in the same country called Capitalism."

    Baseball with Grandma

    William D'Urso looks back on a time his grandmother surprised him with zeal on the baseball field.