• Why Not a Founder’s Opera?

    Hollis Robbins explores the failure of Adams and Sellers' gold rush opera "Girls of the Gold West" and wonders when tech entrepreneurs will be the subjects of their own operas.

    Cultural Patrimony: A Tribute to Alfredinho Jacinto Melo

    Andrew Zingg reconnects with his grandfather's bossa nova legacy through Alfredinho Jacinto Melo's influential club Bip-bip in Rio de Janeiro.

    Because I Distrust this Mode: Talking to Dawn Lundy Martin

    Andy Fitch interviews Dawn Lundy Martin about her books "Discipline" and "Life in a Box Is a Pretty Life."

    Skimming the Surface: A Way of Looking at Us

    Eisa Ulen looks at Jordan Peele's "Us" and compares it to Spike Lee's 1989 "Do the Right Thing."

    When Did Asian Food Become Dirty?

    Marie Myung-Ok Lee discusses the opening of a white-run "clean" Chinese restaurant in Manhattan.

    Two Alices and Political Produce

    "France has a way of enticing Californian women who love to cook." Chloe Chappe on Alice Waters and Alice B. Toklas.

    On WikiLeaks and Julian Assange

    Donald Boström recounts his interactions with Julian Assange in the early 2010s and gives his thoughts on the WikiLeaks founder's legal controversies.

    Fantasy Girls

    Rachel Feder discusses Mary Shelley, Margaret Cavendish, and the fraught title of "mother of science fiction."

    Birthday, the First Tearjerker About the Ferry Disaster that Killed 250 High-School Students

    Colin Marshall reviews “Birthday,” the first major tearjerker about the 2014 Korean ferry tragedy.