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    You Are Not Who You Think You Are: On Katherine Verdery’s My Life As A Spy: Investigations in a Secret Police File

    Maria Rybakova reviews Katherine Verdery's "My Life as a Spy: Investigations in a Secret Police File."

    Jhumpa Lahiri’s “The Interpreter of Maladies” and Tourist Realism

    Robert Wood takes a look at the legacy of Jhumpa Lahiri's "The Interpreter of Maladies" and her transition to work in Italian.

    Unfreedom, Race, and Capitalist Sport in High Flying Bird

    Nathan Kalman-Lamb reviews the new Netflix original film "High Flying Bird."

    Empty Set: Talking to Verónica Gerber Bicecci

    Andy Fitch interviews Verónica Gerber Bicecci about her book "Empty Set," translated by Christina MacSweeney.

    Engaged to a Cinematographer, in a Love Affair with Light

    Lauren DePino discusses cinematography and her discovery of the beauty of light.

    The Untranslatable Journey of Argentina’s Fourth Feminist Wave

    Tamara Tenenbaum traces the fourth feminist wave in Argentina, from #NiUnaMenos to #MiraComoNosPonemos.

    The Case of the Perfect Girl Detective

    Joanna Greenberg reflects on a lifetime of admiring Nancy Drew, anticipating the release of the new film "Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase."

    Obituary Spirit: On Kathy Acker: The Last Interview

    Claudia Ross reviews "Kathy Acker: The Last Interview," edited by Amy Scholder and Douglas A. Martin.

    Thinking with School Shooters

    Morley Musick analyzes the writing of school shooters and proposes alternative preventative measures for these crimes that begin with changes in education.

    Fried Chicken’s Central Role in a TV Drama, a Police Comedy, and Korean Culture Itself

    Colin Marshall on the central role of fried chicken in Korean culture and media.