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    The Very Idea of Diplomacy: Talking to Richard Stengel

    Andy Fitch interviews Richard Stengel about the importance of a well-informed citizenry and his book "Information Wars."

    Why We Shouldn’t Fear Joker

    Chris Yogerst examines the history of misconceptions about violent films spurring real-world violence.

    Three Questions: Talking with Jonathan Shapiro about “Sisters in Law” (Sep. 18 – Oct. 13, Wallis Annenberg Center)

    Laurie Winer interviews playwright Jonathan Shapiro about his new play "Sisters in Law" about Justices Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Sandra Day O'Connor.

    On the Other Hand: An Interview with Ko Ko Thett

    Robert Wood talks with Ko Ko Thett about the influences of Burmese culture on his poetry.

    A Panopticon for the Mind: Talking with Ronald Purser about Mindfulness Today

    Clark Strand interviews Ronald Purser about the neoliberalization of the wellness industry and his book "McMindfulness."

    Old Man Gobau, the Unflappable Comic-Strip Star Who Witnessed South Korean History

    Colin Marshall looks at the long-running "Old Man Gobau" comic strip and its creator Kim Seong-hwan.

    Superiority Over Excellence: Talking to Daniel Markovits

    Andy Fitch interviews Daniel Markovits about his book "The Meritocracy Trap" and why policies prizing "merit" might not yield the equality we think.

    From Dystopia to Absurdity: On Being a Chicano Writer in the Age of Trump

    Daniel Olivas discusses the absurdism of the Trump age and his inspiration for retelling Beckett's "Waiting for Godot."

    Allies Think We Understand Ableism, but I Didn’t Until I Was Disabled

    Elizabeth Earley talks about her changing understanding of ableism.

    “The greatness of a great nation cannot come only from missiles”: Lung Yingtai on the Hong Kong Protests

    Lung Yingtai speaks of the resolve of Hong Kong protesters against mainland Chinese political interference.