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    Minding the Molly Discourse: Don’t Overlook The Feminist Roots of Her Work

    Jenny Staff Johnson examines the unique feminism of Molly Ivins in light of the documentary "Raise Hell."

    The Weekly Read: January 13, 2020

    Steve Lichtman reviews the week in culture and politics.

    Pengsoo, the Genderless, Shameless Giant-Penguin Antihero Winning Korean Hearts and Minds

    Colin Marshall explains the rise in popularity of Pengsoo and other anthropomorphic mascots in South Korea.

    Patterns of Life: AI and “Actionable Data” in Warfare

    Lucy Suchman talks about increasingly automated surveillance and attack techniques in war zones.

    Public Options: Talking to Ganesh Sitaraman

    Andy Fitch talks with Ganesh Sitaraman about the legacy of neoliberalism on democracy.

    Tarantino, Race, and the Construction of American History

    Martin Shuster finds commonality between the latest Scorsese and Tarantino films, and what they say about American nostalgia.

    Do Coercive Reeducation Technologies Actually Work?

    Darren Byler tells a story of the forced reeducation regime in the Uyghur population of China.

    Renegotiating Negativity: Silence as Empowerment and Resistance

    Kristina Marie Darling looks at the power of fragmentation in new poetry collections by Traci Brimhall and Rebecca Hazelton.