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    Go Slowly: A Conversation with Hilary Plum and Andrea Lawlor

    Hilary Plum and Andrea Lawlor discuss their recent novels, writing both poetry and prose, and how time and memory influence their work.

    The Amazing 11-and-Half-Inch Woman: On Tiny Shoulders

    Molly Green considers the new documentary on Hulu "Tiny Shoulders: Rethinking Barbie."

    Is Motherhood a Genre?

    Sarah Blackwood asks: does treating motherhood as a genre in itself limit our reading of books about motherhood?

    Humbert, or the Confession of a White Spinster Female: A Millennial’s Reading of Lolita

    Rebecca Schultz looks back on Nabokov's "Lolita," her teenage obsession with "The O.C.," and adolescent fantasy.

    A Few Thoughts on Publishing Today: Timing, Books, and the Editor’s Zeitgeist

    Susan LaTempa's thoughts on tactics, trends, and changes in publishing today.