• The Collective Trauma of Family Separation

    Carmen R. Valdez discusses complicity, fracture, and the psychological impacts of family separations on the US citizenry.

    Heterosexuality Without Women

    “This photo is about a lot of things, but one of its defining features is its heterosexuality.”

    Both King and Cunning Serf:  America and the Displaced

    Lara Stapleton discusses Roberto Bolaño's takes on race in the Americas and her own complex experience of the color line.

    The Curious Case of the 69-year-old Who Tried to Drop His Legal Age to 49

    Margaret M. Gullette explains why Americans need to understand this bad wish.

    By Taking on Trump But Not Trumpism, Joe Biden Risks Making Germany’s Mistakes

    Aaron Freedman looks at Konrad Adenauer's promises to post-war Germany in light of Joe Biden's bid for the 2020 Democratic nomination.

    Roxane Gay’s Twitter Rage

    Nicole M. Morris Johnson discusses Roxane Gay's Twitter prowess and the power of the clapback.

    Once More to the Cat

    Becca Schuh examines the critique and praise of Kristen Roupenian's "You Know You Want This."

    Uncle Sam and the Wagging Finger of Prayer

    Steven Wingate discusses South Dakota Senate Bill 55, requiring religious slogans in schools.

    Claiming It Hardest

    Emma Goldberg muses on Joan Didion's words about attachment to place.

    Why Not a Founder’s Opera?

    Hollis Robbins explores the failure of Adams and Sellers' gold rush opera "Girls of the Gold West" and wonders when tech entrepreneurs will be the subjects of their own operas.