• Greetings from Hellmouth, U.S.A.

    Dear Television, THE THING ABOUT American Horror Story is not just its insanity or its abjection or its politics or its …

    Men Behaving Badly: White Masculinity in Science Fiction Television

    TELEVISION IS A PLACE where we work through our cultural anxieties and project idealized versions of our selves. Even if …

    The Good Bros of Fox

    Dear Television, HEY, REMEMBER WHEN Fox Tuesdays were the next best hope for a full-on televisual Ladies Night? An evening …

    Are Sitcoms Sincere Again?

    Dear TV, I LOVE JANE’S take on the sitcom-as-Manchild and her point that the contemporary sitcom’s reliance on the manchild …

    Can the Sitcom Grow Up?

    BROOKLYN NINE-NINE — one of Fox’s new sitcoms — begins with a classic expository trick: the viewer’s first introduction into …

    Civil Wars: Reinventing America in Science Fiction Television

    NEW GENRE TELEVISION this week included the return of CW’s Arrow, an adaptation of DC’s character Green Arrow, the alter …

    Streaming Pam Beesly

    Dear Television, It is the strangest thing to have a long-term fictional love interest. It’s a type of relationship that …

    Why We Watch Netflix In The Middle of the Night

    Dear TV, I WENT TO a puppet show last night. It was the story of the little mechanic who runs …

    Return of the Living Series: Season Premieres

    IN RECENT DISCUSSIONS among scholars of speculative fictions, the science fictionalization of contemporary life is a frequent point of reference. …

    The New Canon

    This week, Dear Television — Jane Hu, Lili Loofbourow, Phillip Maciak, and new addition Anne Helen Petersen — will be …