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    The Ruskin Art Club of Los Angeles Turns 130

    Los Angeles's Ruskin Art Club celebrates its 130th anniversary this month.

    What a Girl Wants?: On Assassination Nation

    Zoe Dubno reviews "Assassination Nation," a "miasma of gore, teen ass, and fake-woke political thought."

    Brett Kavanaugh and the Politics of Memory

    Nicholas Miriello on Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation: "those who’ve been privileged to forget will continue to outweigh those who’ve long been carrying the burden to remember."

    Art Inside: Painted Windows

    For her Art Inside series, Annie Buckley reflects on the Arts Facilitator Training, a program for incarcerated individuals to lead classes for their peers.

    In Defense of Sierra Burgess

    Despite criticisms, Marlena Trafas argues that “Sierra Burgess is a Loser” portrays deep truths about plus-size teenage insecurity.

    Conversationalness: Talking to Ezra Klein

    Andy Fitch interviews Ezra Klein, the editor-at-large and founder of Vox, and host of the podcast The Ezra Klein Show.

    Athletic Activism: On Howard Bryant’s The Heritage

    Beverly Glass reviews Howard Bryant's latest book, "The Heritage: Black Athletes, A Divided America, and the Politics of Patriotism."

    A Third Makes and Breaks: On May-Lan Tan’s New Collection

    Megan Pietz reviews May-Lan Tan's "Things to Make and Break."

    Breaking Our Silence with Anger

    "Our power lies in breaking the silence and using our voices to articulate our anger and purpose."