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    For Those Who Go in Different Directions: Talking to Cass R. Sunstein

    Andy Fitch talks with Cass R. Sunstein about societal conformity and the benefits of permitting nonconformists.

    Why I Don’t Write

    Robert Wood explains why not writing is a deliberate choice — and he's stronger for it.

    Our Neophobic, Conservative AI Overlords Want Everything to Stay the Same

    Cory Doctorow looks at the reactionary tendencies of modern artificial intelligence and algorithm-based systems.

    Under the Influence: Little Joe as Psychopharmacological Thriller

    Robert Carson examines director Jessica Hausner's take on the psychological thriller genre.

    Impeachment, Executive Power, and Genocide

    Michelle Tusan looks at the expanding use of the Executive Order in American politics.

    The Square: The National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art’s Ambitious Review of 120 Years in Korea

    Colin Marshall discusses the City of Seoul's plan to reimagine Gwanghwamun Square.

    The Greatest Potential Structural Leverage: Talking to Joshua Murray and Michael Schwartz

    Andy Fitch talks with Joshua Murray and Michael Schwartz about deindustrialization in the US and the potential upsides of flexible production.

    How I Almost Had Dinner with Dave Letterman, and Walked Away

    Deanne Stillman reflects on a meeting that was never meant to be with a king of the comedy world.

    “Every so often I hold my breath and hope:” Julia Sanches on Literary Translation and the Translators Collective Cedilla & Co.

    Nathan Scott McNamara talks with Julia Sanches about life as a translator and the translators collective Cedilla & Co.

    The Nonbinary 19th Century

    Rachel Mesch dives into the history of pronoun preference and resistance to it.