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    To Say Nothing About Our Joy: A Conversation with Chris Campanioni

    Davon Loeb talks with Chris Campanioni about writing in the face of trauma without centering it and his recent nonfiction book "A and B and also Nothing."

    “It’s the Black House Now!”: Mansoor Adayfi’s Don’t Forget Us Here: Lost and Found at Guantánamo

    Erin L. Thompson examines the poignant yet playful recollections in Mansoor Adayfi’s memoir "Don’t Forget Us Here: Lost and Found at Guantánamo."

    Zero Blind Spots: A Conversation with Darren Byler on Chinese Surveillance Tactics

    Evan Selinger talks with anthropologist Darren Byler about Chinese "re-education" camp surveillance technology and Byler's recent book "In the Camps."

    “What are they trying to protect?” A Conversation with Eika Tai on Denying the Oppression of “Comfort Women”

    Spencer Cohen talks with Eika Tai on denialism by the Japanese government and, recently, Harvard scholar J. Mark Ramseyer about WWII "comfort women."

    William Morris, Utopian Socialism, and the Value of Art over Numbers

    Anna Neill ponders what population and utopian visionaries like William Morris and Thomas Malthus have to say about our current climate and pandemic woes.

    Eating Disorders, Catholicism, Autofiction, and Unattainable Moms: Talking with JoAnna Novak

    Katya Apekina talks with JoAnna Novak about themes in her recent story collection "Meaningful Work."

    The Korean Literary Crime Wave: Pyun Hye-young’s The Law of Lines and Yun Ko-eun’s The Disaster Tourist

    For the final installment of Colin Marshall's look into recent Korean crime fiction, he reviews "The Law of Lines" and "The Disaster Tourist."

    Massy Books in Vancouver, BC

    Miranda Hellmold-Stone introduces the newest member of LARB's Reckless Reader program, Massy Books in Vancouver, BC.

    55 Voices for Democracy: “The Cult of Short-Termism” by Bernhard Poerksen

    For the Thomas Mann House series "55 Voices for Democracy," German media academic Bernhard Poerksen analyzes the problems posed by short-term media fads.

    Miguel’s War and the Shattered Mirrors of Queer Redemption

    Paul Amar inspects Eliane Raheb’s cross-Mediterranean documentary film "Miguel’s War."