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    In The Largesse of the Sea Maiden, Denis Johnson Washes Up On Familiar Shores

    Evan McGarvey reviews the posthumous collection "The Largesse of the Sea Maiden" by Denis Johnson.

    On Arrival, Circular Storytelling, and Not Arriving Anywhere

    Amanda Feinman reviews "Arrival" and discusses the narrative and philosophical implications of circular storytelling.

    Protective Packaging

    Leslie Pietrzyk discusses the unsolved Tylenol Murders and the things that exist in order to give us the illusion of safety and control.

    Alley Cat Bookshop in San Francisco’s Mission District

    Alley Cat Bookshop is the newest addition to LARB's Reckless Reader program.

    Thinking About Consciousness or Being Conscious About Thinking

    Arthur McCaffrey reviews Daniel Helminiak's "Brain, Consciousness, and God" A Lonerganian Integration."

    The Safest Place to Teach in America is a Prison

    Ann E. Green discusses her experience with the Inside/Out Prison Exchange Program.

    Only Connect: On The End of My Career by Martha Grover

    Art Edwards reviews "The End of My Career" by Martha Grover.

    Both Attaching to Texts and Inventing Them: Talking to Brian Glavey

    Andy Fitch interviews Brian Glavey, author of "The Wallflower Avant-Garde: Modernism, Sexuality, and Queer Ekphrasis."

    On Fear and Immortality: Dara Horn and Thomas Pierce in Conversation

    Authors Dara Horn and Thomas pierce discuss the role of immortality in their new novels "Eternal Life" and "Afterlives."