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    Dancing with Chains

    Hollis Robbins discusses Chinese scholarship of American literature.

    “Of ARRRGHs and the Pirate I Sing”: On Eugene Ostashevsky’s The Pirate Who Does Not Know the Value of Pi

    Boris Dralyuk reviews NYRB's "The Pirate Who Does Not Know the Value of Pi” by Eugene Ostashevsky.

    The Passion of Holy Week

    Elizabeth Harper visits Zamora to see Spain’s oldest Holy Week celebration.

    Trump’s America is the German Upside Down

    An American living in Stuttgart points out the uncanny similarities between the Upside Down of "Stranger Things" and Germany's relationship with the US.

    How the Exodus Really Happened, According to a New Theory by Israel Knohl

    Randy Rosenthal describes Israel Knohl's theory about the true story of the Exodus, described in his forthcoming book.

    The Radicals in Ryan McIlvain’s New Novel Are Closer Than We’d Like to Admit

    Charles Duffie reviews "The Radicals" by Ryan McIlvain.

    Born to A Gender Gap: Why Should Boys Save, Girls Serve?

    Dr. Cynthia Nazarian on the gender gap in children's toys, gender bias in the Girl and Boy Scouts, and Elizabeth I.

    City Lights in San Francisco

    San Francisco's City Lights Bookstore is LARB's newest Reckless Reader member!