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    On the Misuse of Queer: The Queer Biennial Returns to Los Angeles

    Matthew Lax considers the "What if Utopia"-themed Queer Biennial currently on display across Los Angeles for Pride month.

    What Killmonger Can Teach America About Heroism

    Eden Robins on Erik Killmonger, American villainy, and family separation.

    Some Trump-Induced Thoughts on the History of Detention

    Rachel Weil provides an historical reflection on the history of detention and its implications in light of the Trump administration’s policy on refugees.

    The Confessional Room: An Interview With Lucas Mann

    Andrew Zingg interviews Lucas Mann about his book "Captive Audience: On Love and Reality."

    How Anthony Bourdain Revealed Korea — and Los Angeles’s Koreatown

    Colin Marshall reflects on Anthony Bourdain's visits to Korea and Koreatown on "No Reservations" and "Parts Unknown."

    Eat The Shorts: A Billions FanFic Review of The China Hustle

    Matt Seybold discusses Jed Rothstein's documentary "The China Hustle."

    Bending Toward Justice: An Address to Class of 2018

    John Franklin's address to the class of 2018 at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine.