• Silence as Rupture & Revolution: Enjambment in Feminist Poetry

    Kristina Marie Darling inspects the way gaps in linguistic meter create — and break — worldviews.

    Unfortunately, I Care: Joanna Chen Interviews Olga Livshin

    Joanna Chen talks with Olga Livshin about translation, immigration, and poetry.

    There Began My History: Ariana Reines’s A Sand Book

    Perwana Nazif reviews Ariana Reines’ recent poetry collection "A Sand Book."

    Frank O’Hara is Everywhere

    Sophia Stewart discovers quotidian magic in O'Hara's poetry.

    Poetry against ICE

    Lida Maxwell considers the poetry of Jose Bello, an immigrant activist who defied ICE.

    Borderless in El Paso, Texas

    Juan Felipe Herrera shares a poem about the events in El Paso, Texas on July 23, 2019.

    At This Moment, Everyone Is a Revolution: The Poems of Tammy Ho Lai-Ming and the Hong Kong Crisis

    Andrea Lingenfelter discusses the recent protests and police violence in Hong Kong, and the poetry of Tammy Ho Lai-Ming in response.

    Here Begins the Unexplored: On The Latin Poet’s Guide to the Cosmos

    Verónica García Moreno reviews Susannah Drissi's recent poetry collection "The Latin Poet's Guide to the Cosmos."

    On Marianne Moore’s “Silence”

    Greg Gerke revisits the author/speaker tension in Marianne Moore's poem "Silence."

    Rainer Maria Rilke’s “Archaic Torso of Apollo”: Translation and Commentary

    "Critics have suggested that Rilke was inspired by the Apollo Belvedere... But maybe they are barking up the wrong tree."