• How to Play Russian Roulette

    Philip Kitcher tells a tale of fate selection and the Democratic Primary.

    Ducks, Summer

    Alexandra Marraccini goes on a Twitter journey with "Ducks, Newburyport," Lucy Ellmann's ambitious 998-page single-sentence novel.

    A Case for Reparations for Heirs of the Victims of Lynching

    Gordon Marino makes a common-sense, serious case for reparations to be paid to descendants of lynching victims.

    Frank O’Hara is Everywhere

    Sophia Stewart discovers quotidian magic in O'Hara's poetry.

    Women Storming the Heavens?: On Soviets, Space, and Emancipation

    Victoria Smolkin remembers Russian cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova and the legacy of token diversity in the Space Race.

    Poetry against ICE

    Lida Maxwell considers the poetry of Jose Bello, an immigrant activist who defied ICE.

    The Tax of Otherness: Lil Nas X and Queer Masculinity

    Charles Dunst discusses Lil Nas X's defiant yet self-deprecating coming out.

    What Trump Got Right About Homelessness

    Susan Celia Greenfield discusses the lived experience of homelessness and why many opinions on it are wrong.

    “La Femme Noir”: Untranslated and Unread

    Rebecca Gross considers the underexplored literary works of Francophone Caribbean women and their role in the Négritude movement.