• Reading Havel in Hong Kong — and Arendt in Bangkok

    Jeffrey Wasserstrom shares the Thai preface to his recent book "Vigil: Hong Kong on the Brink."

    Gilberto Perez and “The Imprint of Life” on the Cinema Screen

    Eric Gudas thinks back on the impacts of his film mentor, Gilberto Perez.

    Pearl Harbor in Film and Myth: 79 Years Later

    Spencer Cohen inspects the construction of the Pearl Harbor mythos in the American cultural imagination.

    Language that Everybody Understands: Talking to Representative Debbie Dingell

    Andy Fitch interviews Representative Debbie Dingell (MI-12) about crafting policies that bring everyone along.

    Political Rhetoric and Economic Analysis: Talking to Bernard Hoekman and Ernesto Zedillo

    Andy Fitch interviews scholar Bernard Hoekman and former President of Mexico Ernesto Zedillo about the global economy’s changing structure.

    The Agony and Ecstasy of Learning Korean, Expressed by Memes

    Colin Marshall finds some levity among the Korean language-learning community.

    Reality on the Edge: Talking to Susan Liautaud

    When should we think of our laws as “the lowest common denominator not the highest standard of behavior”? When might …

    Clue or Red Herring? How Clue Shreds the Detective Rulebook

    Milan Terlunen looks at the construction of suspense in the murder mystery genre — using a few crowd favorites.